Jasper Thornton-Boelman

Investment Director
Parmenion Capital Partners

“Our industry is not especially well liked or trusted. That breeds disengagement and a view of an industry there to serve itself. Fixing that is a collective responsibility, one that requires accountability and transparency to be put front and centre.”

Jasper Thornton-Boelman
ACT Stewardship Council member

Jasper is an Investment Director at Parmenion Capital Partners. He is lead manager of their tactical investment solution range and chairs the tactical asset allocation committee. Jasper’s role involves the oversight of portfolio construction processes, as well as fund manager research and selection across all asset classes. He sits on various external committees with partner IFA firms, helping to build and manage discretionary investment propositions. 

Jasper has a first class degree in Economics from Cardiff University, the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning and is a CFA Charterholder.

Q1. Why is corporate culture becoming more important to you when deciding who you allocate assets to?

Producing consistently good investment returns is a really hard thing to do. You need everyone fully bought in, challenging, sharing ideas, and giving their all. Without a strong corporate culture this just won’t happen. Embedding a focus on culture within your buy and sell side process is therefore paramount.

Aside from potential performance benefits, partnering with good businesses is something increasingly expected by clients. And so, to produce an appropriate and relevant investment solution requires a meaningful consideration of culture.

Q2. In your view, why is it important to set a higher standard of stewardship and behaviour within the investment industry?

Our industry is not especially well liked or trusted. That breeds disengagement and a view of an industry there to serve itself. Fixing that is a collective responsibility, one that requires accountability and transparency to be put front and centre. As an integral part of the global economy, the investment industry needs to reflect high standards of behaviour in order to attract the right people and to amplify the right messages, and in doing so, to rebuild that trust.

Q3. Why did you decide to sit on the ACT Stewardship Council and what does it mean to you personally?

The ACT Stewardship Council has the ability to drive positive, structural change within what is an incredibly influential industry. To play a part in that is very exciting. It would be nice to look across the industry you work in and see more positives than negatives, and see an industry that is reflective of the wider world; I think the ACT Corporate Standard can help a lot with that.